[Fot] Watkins Glen Host Hotel? 2008

Bill Babcock BillB at bnj.com
Tue Sep 18 20:36:18 MDT 2007

Corning isn't all that close. There's a lot going on downtown during  
the vintage festival. Maybe I will bring the Airstream just to have a  
place to stay. I'll need to start working on Diane for this one.  
Targa Newfoundland has always appealed to me too. Especially since  
the Babcock since of the family is all from some dinky town in  
Newfoundland where everyone looks like me. Scary.  From what I hear  
the gene poll is about a quarter inch deep.
Bill Babcock
billb at bnj.com
bnj  Website for Babcock & Jenkins, a direct and interactive agency

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On Sep 18, 2007, at 9:24 PM, N197TR4 at cs.com wrote:

> Understanding what Jack has to say,I am looking outside of Watkins  
> Glen for convenience and price.
> But if someone has a better inside track, go for it.
> I have stayed in or near Corning a few times with fair convenience  
> and under $100.
> Joe A
>> Yeah, the week after holloween!
>> The Seneca is booked by most folks on a yearly basis. You might  
>> get a room or two if someone cancels at the last minute. It won't  
>> hurt to check however. They could build a new wing.
>> Contact the CofC soon and you might find another place in town.
>> There will be places, but you MUST book soon.
>> Jack Woehrle

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