[Fot] Sponsorship of Vintage Racing

David W. Riddle dave at microworks.net
Fri Nov 2 23:31:36 MDT 2007

At 09:49 PM 11/2/2007, Bill Babcock wrote:
>I probably should just let this lie, but I hate to see a fellow FOTer walking
>into a buzz saw.

Something else you could look at trying that might be a simple way to 
start and avoid the buzz saw.

I put together a rough prospectus like this once and never had the 
time to pursue it.  Bill is right that the amount of time and energy 
to put this together by yourself might be better spent with a part 
time job as a greeter at Walmart to earn the extra cash.

Seriously though if your potential sponsor is close to you 
geographically you might want to try this...

Leave the vintage events for you to concentrate on you and your 
car.  Of course you can have guests but if you don't have a "staff" 
to see to your guests they might feel short changed with your 
attention if you are having to work on the car to make the next 
session/race.  Instead look at using the Street car DE sessions with 
local groups like NASA, etc.  Put a passenger seat in your car (if it 
does not have one currently) and allow the sponsor to bring people 
like guests (his vendors, customers) or employees to reward them.  At 
an event like that you are not stressed and you can socialize with 
your sponsor and his gusts between sessions and take them for rides 
on the track.  Probably take at least four passengers during the event.

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