[Fot] california cheese????

Ernest Husmann ehusmann53 at yahoo.com
Fri May 25 08:12:13 MDT 2007

Now Bill, it's not that we are sneaky, we were just trying to save Nero from being attached by field mice who might have gone after the first place cheese in the west coast category.  After all, the Tillamook cheddar did receive several favorable comments from the FOT cheese experts.

Bill Babcock <billb at bnj.com> wrote:   Incidentally, I did indeed bring a block of fine aged Tillamook cheddar with me to the big Motrah cheese off. After I set it out, a substantial amount of it disappeared very quickly with virtually no comments. I was going to take the remainder back to Nero, but Bill Dentinger pretty much snatched it up and volunteered to "store it for me" in his refrigerator, even though Nero was less than 100 yards away and has a large refrigerator/freezer.    

  I never saw it again. 

  Those midwesterners are pretty sneaky.    
    Bill Babcock
  billb at bnj.com
  bnj  Website for Babcock & Jenkins, a direct and interactive agency

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