[Fot] Book/Reference for setting up Weber Carbs

Robert M. Lang lang at isis.mit.edu
Tue May 8 08:12:04 MDT 2007

On Tue, 8 May 2007, Scott Janzen wrote:

> Anyone care to recommend a good reference for setting up the 40DCOE?

Passini - The Weber Carburettor == The Bible

Pat Braden (sp?) - Weber and Dellorto Carbs == easy to read.

There's also a book How to Powertune Weber and Dellorto Carbs. I can't
recall the author. I have them all. Read 'em too. They're a tough read
when you need an answer right now.

Passini has all the info. It's a tough read, though. Written in passive
voice, so it'shard to figure out where he's going. Plus the phrase "suck
it and see" seems to be the watchword.

I liked Braden to get to square one. It was a lot easier to read than

Other than that,  find out what others are using. If they tell you "I
drilled out a 125 main jet", don't use that as a starting point unless
they can tell you exactly what they did.

If you're trying to dial in, take what you get in the kit and get a plug
read. Then go in increments up/down of two sizes (if you can) 'till you
get the desired result and then try backing off one size to tweak.

Your best bet is to pay a dyno guy who knows Webers. His time will be
cheaper than buying the brass. Oh - if you need some odd Weber bits,let me
know - I've got quite a few (somewhere).

Bob Lang              Room N42-140Q            |  This space for rent
Consultant            MIT IS&T unix-linux-help |
Voice:617-253-7438    FAX: 617-258-9535        |  Cell: 339-927-4489

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