[Fot] TR-6 Questions

R. John Lye rjl at gt-classics.com
Wed May 16 16:44:13 MDT 2007

Hi all,
         I received this today - and since I'm not that up on what
works for a TR-6, I thought I'd send it along.  Please respond
to docmanakos at verizon.net, not me.  I suggested that I was
pretty sure that Moss now carries the brake drums, but couldn't
help much with the rest of his questions.  Thanks for your help.


I was wondering if you knew where I could get some aluminum brake 
drums? I read the article by Huge Barber about getting a pair of 
aluminum brake drums for a 240-Z and having them machined for a TR6. 
But when I called his part sources like American Specialty I found 
out that they were bought out by Power Brakes and no longer carried 
forgein parts or machined aluminum drums for that purpose. I can not 
find a web site for American Remanufacturing so I am writing you. I 
was also wondering if you knew of any performance shoes I use once I 
get the aluminum drums.


Do you have any suspension upgrades for TR6 autocrossing? Some 
suggested spring rates, front back ratio for under/oversteer, sway 
bars, shocks, etc?


R. John Lye

rjl6n at cstone.net 

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