[Fot] Testing an engine

Tony Drews tony at tonydrews.com
Mon Feb 12 20:28:59 MST 2007

Uncle Jack made such a stand from angle iron and some surplus gauges, 
as I recall.  Very handy to check for leaks before the engine is in 
the field.  If you have the gas tank above the carbs, you don't even 
need a fuel pump (although you probably want some sort of fuel shutoff).

- Tony

At 07:09 PM 2/12/2007, Joe Boruch wrote:
>When we ran the dyno in the engine lab in college we just ran the coolant
>hoses into a trough of water.  Nothing too fancy.  Since then the school now
>has nice dyno cells to contain the bits as they fly off failing engines.  How
>did we ever survive?  Now that I think of it that's where I started loosing my
>hearing). You would just need a stand (old frame) to support the motor from
>moving around.  Hook up a battery, fuel line, exhaust tubing and the water
>trough and away you go.  Joe(B)
>-- "Mark J. Bradakis" <mjb at autox.team.net> wrote:
>So saturday evening we had the annual potluck dinner and planning
>meeting for the British Motor CLub of Utah.  I won't annoy you all
>with an in-depth report, but something did come up that I've been
>mulling over today.
>I put together a TR3 engine for a club member, it is still sitting down
>at Bailey's.  I made the comment that once he picks it up and installs
>it in the car, it will fire right up and run like a champ.  Honest, trust
>me!  But it got me to thinking that it might be nice to fabricate some
>sort of, uh, engine containment device such that one could drop in some
>motor, hook up coolant, electrical, etc. and actually see if the motor
>really will fire up and run.  It might be nice to find minor leaks, or
>major problems, before actually going to the effort of installing the
>mill in the car.
>Anyone have any experience, thoughts, warnings, etc. on such a scheme?
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