[Fot] TR3 Block - boat anchor?

Tony Drews tony at tonydrews.com
Sat Feb 10 11:30:31 MST 2007

I would either leave it alone or look for another block.  Personally, 
I'd be looking for another block.  Holes can be drilled out and 
tapped, and an insert can be threaded and bonded into the larger hole 
to bring it back to the right size (I've had that done before), but 
welding up cast iron is a dicey proposition.

There's nothing worse than retorquing your head after the first heat 
cycle and having one of the head studs strip out.  Well, OK, there 
probably ARE worse things, but it's definitely a sinking feeling.

As far as I know, keeping the block "numbers correct" doesn't add 
much value to the TR's (unlike, say, early Corvettes).

- Tony Drews

At 11:11 AM 2/10/2007, Mark Eginton wrote:
>Has anyone seen an incidence where a early TR3 /4 block had to be thrown out
>due to problems with the head bolt stud hole. I am really worried about
>messing with this stud that my dad braised to the block up the early '60s but
>on the other hand, Murphy dictates the fillet is bound to eventually cause
>head gasket problems eventually.
>Seems like at the very least it should be able to be welded up and re-drilled
>and tapped but it may be naive on my part.
>This local machine shop is talking about a ceramic insert that is "glued in"
>but I don't have the nerve to believe him.
>Thoughts or referrals, I am ready to build but need to get pass this one...
>57 TR3 vintage racer

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