[Fot] The Truth About Midwest Winter & the Peyote :)

Group44TR7 at aol.com Group44TR7 at aol.com
Wed Feb 14 08:00:44 MST 2007

    Okay, I have had just about enough about guys  complaining about the 
winter. Why don't you confess what you really doing on  these wintry nights to our 
left coast Amici. Having lived in Wisconsin and  Minnesota for more than a 
few decades, I know that there is no finer place than  the Midwest in the winter 
to test four wheel drift. Those shopping center  parking lots are wonderful, 
packed snow and ice from shoppers - they are a  late night paradise for race 
training. So lets cut out the bull about how cold  and snowy it is......you 
know you love those parking lots, that is why you  are not out here in 
    At least one of you guys should have invited Bill  out to the Midwest 
during his announced tour (is there any official name ?)  to ice race the Peyote 
in its historical home turf of wintry  Minnesota. At the very least, he could 
have picked up some new sheet metal  from the leftover kegs. About all he 
needed to do is put some antifreeze in  the Peyote and some stubs in those tires. 
At least then Bill would know  that those strange dings that he removed from 
the Peyote's metal  work are from studs letting go during ice racing. 
    Best wishes to everyone. 
    PS - Thanks for the advice and recommendations on  the GT6 fuel leak. I 
will let you know what worked and what did not...

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