[Fot] nomination

Richard Junkermeier RJunkermeier at wyotech.edu
Sat Feb 10 14:23:49 MST 2007

Hi    I would like to nominate a father and son team to the list. I teach
here at Wyotech in the Chassis fabrication High Performance engines dept and
Zach Fountiane is one of my outstanding students. He is currently helping on
Joe Alexanders Ambro build here at the school His Father Tim owns a
Automotive repair and restoration busn in Boseman Montana and has been a
Triumph Racer and rebuilder for years both father and son are in the proces
of building Spitfires for F/P comp and have GT6s they auto x I have enclosed
the Bio Zach wrote his car should be here at the school for a SCCA legal
cage soon Thanks Rick  <<FOT Ring.doc>> 

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/msword which had a name of FOT Ring.doc]

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