[Fot] Books on Ebay

Justin Wagner jmwagner at greenheart.com
Mon Feb 5 12:35:33 MST 2007

I'm trying to raise some $ to help pay for my new toy... a 1954 TR2...  
It's not that I'm broke, it's more about trying NOT to let my hobbies 
close in on me like a flesh-eating bacteria.   I'll be putting some odds 
and ends on ebay in the coming weeks...  these two books may be of 
particular interest to FOT.   The prices may seem high, but I bought 
these for similar prices in a specialty automobile book store years 
ago.  You may want to keep an eye on my other auctions... as other TR 
stuff shows up, but there's also going to be some whacky things on there 
that have nothing to do with cars.   --Justin


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