[Fot] MOTRAH-007 Motorplex Autocross @ Road America in May

JReed at wilson.com JReed at wilson.com
Thu Feb 1 06:25:34 MST 2007

I raced a kart there last summer, it was a blast. The track can be 
configured many different ways. 
Yes there is a blind corksrcew. This will be a fun event.

John Reed
Staff Photographer
Wilson Sporting Goods Co.
8700 W Bryn Mawr Ave, Chicago, Illinois 60631, USA
Tel. + 1.773.490.8908, fax +1.773.714.4585
JReed at wilson.com  www.wilson.com  www.amersports.com

Tony Drews <tony at tonydrews.com> 
Sent by: fot-bounces at autox.team.net
01/31/07 07:06 AM

fot at autox.team.net

Re: [Fot] MOTRAH-007 Motorplex Autocross @ Road America in May

I say: Bring it on!

I've always wanted to sample the go-kart track.  It's one of the 
nicest I've seen.  I think it's got a mini Laguna Seca-like 
corkscrew, although that may be an optical illusion (or wishful thinking).

It will be good to bring the ex-John Lye TR back to its autocross 
roots.  I may have to look at re-installing the rear sway bar.

- Tony Drews

At 08:06 AM 1/31/2007, N197TR4 at cs.com wrote:
>Now that it has been established that there will be a killer Autocross at 
>BRIGGS & STRATTON Motorplex Complex on the grounds at Road America, I'd 
>the names of those who plan to attend from the FoT. I will add to the
>burgeoning roadracer list on my Excel Spreadsheet.
>The Motorplex is a course that is used for go-cart racing, etc.   Changes 
>elevation and all manner of neat stuff.  It will be open most of the day 
>Saturday, like from  10:00AM-2:00PM.
>It is open to (only) Triumphs, Healeys, and Morgans...both street cars 
>race cars. I can see Tony challenging Jack for a father/son 
>shootout.  I can see
>some AUTOCROSSERS challenging some ROADRACERS. I can see a lot of 
>excuses for outcomes.
>Anyway, give me your names and states.....do it now! thanks!
>Oh yes,  Road America is donating the course for our use. Fees for 
>if any, will be small.
>Joe Alexander
>Fot mailing list
>Fot at autox.team.net
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