[Fot] Recommendations Needed

KEVIN LYNCH klynch_6 at msn.com
Mon Dec 17 21:00:36 MST 2007

So Gary, how much is in your wallet??? <grin>
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Greg "Lunker" Hilyer<mailto:Lunkercars at earthlink.net>
  To: GSFuqua1 at aol.com<mailto:GSFuqua1 at aol.com> ;
FOT<mailto:fot at autox.team.net>
  Sent: Monday, December 17, 2007 7:33 PM
  Subject: Re: [Fot] Recommendations Needed

  Don't forget the Visa, Mastercard, travelers checks, the occasional
  bank letter of credit and CASH!!! [lots and lots of that]. With those
  5 items, the rest will work it's way out and you will have smooth
  Welcome, best wishes and have fun!
  Greg "Lunker" Hilyer
  TR4 #314
  Albuquerque NM
  On Dec 17, 2007, at 11:39 AM, GSFuqua1 at aol.com<mailto:GSFuqua1 at aol.com>

  > I am looking for most items needed to get into the Vintage Racing
  > Scene.
  > i.e. Suit, shoes, gloves, underwear, fuel jugs, etc.  Any help or
  > recommendations would be greatly appreciated.  I have a helmet.
  > Cheers & Merry Christmas to all,
  > Gary Fuqua
  > Classic Sports Cars
  > Branson, MO
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