[Fot] Party, party, party...

Kramer, Robert RKramer at rdoequipment.com
Mon Dec 17 08:42:41 MST 2007

We need to do something about the exchange rate. First our parts go up
in price and now this. When will it end?

Bob Kramer
Sales Manager
RDO Equipment Co.
16415 North IH 35
Pflugerville, TX 78660
Fx 512-272-9365

-----Original Message-----
From: fot-bounces+rkramer=rdoequipment.com at autox.team.net
[mailto:fot-bounces+rkramer=rdoequipment.com at autox.team.net] On Behalf
Of BillDentin at aol.com
Sent: Monday, December 17, 2007 9:09 AM
To: fot at autox.team.net
Subject: [Fot] Party, party, party...


Geezz...I thought only us Yankees were known for boorish behavior.

Our cousins set some records in VEGAS the weekend before last.  Rumor
has it 20-25,000 BRITS made the considerable trip from the UK for the
Mayweather-Hatton boxing match.  They brought their own bands with them
and everything.  The fight was held at the MGM GRAND, who went through
4,000 cases of beer on Saturday night (normally the BIGGEST night sees
but 500 cases consumed).  Several local bars were 'closed' because of
unruly behavior by the BRITS (a VEGAS first).  Later, newspaper
headlines suggested such boorish behavior will not be missed in this
'wide-open' city.

I watched a replay of the fight on HBO over the weekend.  It was a good
fight.  Hatton is one tough kid, but Mayweather is a more skilled boxer,
and in fact knocked Hatton out in the 10th.

Bill (Damdinger)



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