[Fot] FW: part availablity

Bill Babcock BillB at bnj.com
Wed Dec 12 23:08:26 MST 2007

I just got finished building a complete Borgeson steering system for Peyote.
The old steering shaft and coupler was pretty dodgy, especially considering
the speeds that Peyote is capable of. It is funny to look at the steering
systems that we depend on in our cars and what's considered minimally
acceptable in a modern race car. At the very least consider replacing all the
grade eight (or less!!) bolts with properly sized and shouldered aircraft
bolts. The pinch bolt on my universal failed when I loosened it.

-----Original Message-----
From: fot-bounces+billb=bnj.com at autox.team.net on behalf of Greg & Alison
Sent: Wed 12/12/2007 8:53 PM
To: 'Friends of Triumph'
Subject: [Fot] FW: part availablity

I was having trouble finding a steering shaft coupler or U-joint in the
9/16  36 size used on the TR4 rack.  If anyone needs one, the part
numbers for Borgeson Univeral are below.  I am not sure for what other
models this might apply.



-----Original Message-----
From: Gil Evans [mailto:Gil at borgeson.com]
Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2007 7:08 AM
To: Greg & Alison Blake
Subject: RE: part availablity


We have this in a coupler or a u-joint.  The coupler is Part No. 311200
at $19.73, the u-joint is Part No. 011264 at $72.70.  Just give us a
call at 860-482-8283 if you'd like to order.  We accept Visa,
Mastercard, and Discover credit cards and both items are in stock.


Gil Evans
Borgeson Universal Co.


From: Greg & Alison Blake [mailto:ablake2 at austin.rr.com]
Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2007 1:57 AM
To: Gil Evans
Subject: part availablity
I need a 9/16 x 36 spline  with a  > smooth bore on the other end this
can be a coupler or U joint.

Do you have this part and how much are they and can I order it direct?


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