[Fot] IOWA

N197TR4 at cs.com N197TR4 at cs.com
Mon Dec 31 10:48:36 MST 2007

"First thing every morning, he checks the corn and hog prices.", says the 
Mighty Damdinger, about JA.

not likely...

I was skiing in Colorado once when a cattleman asked me about Limousin Cattle 
in Iowa.  I told him I didnt know anything about them....he became agitated, 
as he thought it was impossible to be from Iowa and not know about the 
Limousin Breed.

Never mind that my father was farmer and farm implement dealer. And that I 
was in the ag business most of my life.

If those Limousin Cattle had wheels, I might know more about them.

I plowed corn, tossed hay bails, cut farm equipment into scrap, steam cleaned 
tractors....I discovered that Agri-business was another way of spelling Hard 

Strange that I eventually migrated to a tractor based engine, in my 
hobby...or perhaps not.

Happy New Year!~

> Actually Jack and Tony are both across the boarder in IlliNOISE.
> But ah yes,...for sure Bill Bryson would call Joe Alexander a "THUNDERBOLT 
> KID"  through and through.  First thing every morning, he checks the corn and 
> hog prices.
> Bill (Damdinger)


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