[Fot] Watkins Glen 2008

N197TR4 at cs.com N197TR4 at cs.com
Sun Dec 9 12:13:40 MST 2007


i am sure we can find something for you to do...several cars likely need co-drivers.

off track events in the village is a big part of this weekend. your advice to visit the website is a good one. triumphs will be favored. but space is limited and early registration is advised.


joe a


>Greetings all,
>  Its been quite a while since I dove into the archives to see what's been going on, been a busy summer. I was very happy to see all the activities around next year's Watkins Glen event. I live in Ithaca 20 minutes away so if there is anything I can help with in terms of local knowledge (e.g. cops tolerate 10 mph over above 45mph...), please feel free to contact me if I can help. I also have parts in case someone has "issues" that weekend.
>  Had a great time last year meeting FOTrs gathered around any marquis ending in ...mph or ...ote. Looking forward to meeting more of you this year.
>  Great advice to check out www.grandprixfestival.com I found room in the kana event, 20 cars only, for something less life threatening.
>  I have a vintage Harley that needs a ride to southern california this summer if anyone has room on the trip back. Would be happy to help with expenses...
>  I also have a complete stock engine I am going to sell this winter. Anyone venture a guess at how much to ask and a good venue to sell it. Its a good running 83mm std with negligable cylinder ridges, good compression and high port head. Valve cover to oil pan, water pump housing to flywheel, including manifold, no carbs. 
>  Best regards to all,
>  Mark Eginton
>  mee23 at cornell.edu
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