[Fot] Infrared Temperature Guns

BillDentin at aol.com BillDentin at aol.com
Thu Aug 23 07:57:46 MDT 2007

In a message dated 08/23/2007 1:21:34 AM Central Daylight Time, 
chris at tr4-racing.de writes:

> <<<  Depending on the beam spread if the sensor (not the laser) the 
> distance is
> important to estimate the correct heat of the object.
> If the round butts are more than 1meter away I really question the value
> you've estimated. ;-) >>>

Christ...for round butt testing, our Plan A is the results of our visual 
> We then go to the pyrometer for fine tuning the results and ties.

> <<< I use a very small one that is as big as a 1 silver dollar coin. I have 
> it in
> my racing suit pocket so I can jump out of the car and take tire
> temperatures.
> 3 values each tire. >>>
Us too.  When we do it, we try to avoid a cool down lap, and we come in HOT, 
prior to the end of the session.  We take readings in the Hot Pits.  Works 
best with two crew members (one for pressures, one for temperatures) and the 
driver taking notes.  I am not sure how effective our efforts are, but I'll tell 
you what...we look great doing it.

Bill Dentinger

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