[Fot] TR3 @ Bonneville

Randall Young ryoung at navcomtech.com
Thu Aug 9 15:12:23 MDT 2007

> Drag force goes with the square, but  the power required to overcome 
> drag goes as the cube. The original TR2-3 road tests showed something 
> like 108 mph out of 90 hp.  Scaling up to 130 mph would require about 
> 160hp.  Does this sound about right?

Sounds reasonable to me, but don't forget what configuration those tests
were done with.  108 mph on 90 bhp sure sounds like it must've had skinny
tires, skirts, no windshield and that metal tonneau cover; all to improve
aerodynamics and reduce drag coefficient.  Road & Track only managed 106
mph, with a 100 bhp 57 TR3.

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