[Fot] Peyote speed

Chuck Arnold triosan at gmail.com
Thu Aug 9 12:26:03 MDT 2007

Given his times at Pacific Raceway, where I run a car, that sounds
possible.  He probably gets close to max rpm at PR also.  I am just shifting
from 3rd to 4th when I enter the straight which is as long as a drag strip
and its runout, so lots of time to go as fast as it will go.  Not fast
enough in my just getting sorted out TR5.  Will go to 7500 in 3rd, but only
5000 in 4th [half way down that straight].  Hope my adjustments to the PI
make a difference when I test and tune next week.  According to my air/fuel
meter, at that 5000 rpm I am running a little rich.

Questions for the group:
1. What conditions should I check to "go faster".  My change so far is to
increase the maximum fuel screw on the PI mixture control unit.
2. Since this is PI, does that richness infer too much fuel?  Would the
change I mention above get worse?
3. What effect does being just a little too advanced in ignition have on top
speed, versus it being just a little too retarded?
4. If ignition is dead on, what effect on top speed does having the cam
timing retarded versus advanced?

Thanks for all responses, I am sure they will be enlightening.

On 8/9/07, BillDentin at aol.com <BillDentin at aol.com> wrote:
> In a message dated 08/09/2007 10:18:25 AM Central Daylight Time,
> triosan at gmail.com writes:
> How soes that title line sound for a little Led Zepplin listening?
> Anyway, Bill, what do you estimate Peyote's hp and maximum speed to be?
> My guess is Babcock may have found that out at BRAINERD this past week
> end.  Can't think of another track in the country where the straight (which
> includes Turns ONE and TWO in Bill's car) will allow you to approach top
> speed.
> I think 133 was mentioned (+/-).
> Bill (Damdinger)
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Chuck Arnold

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