[Fot] Limited slip rear ends

Tony Drews tony at tonydrews.com
Tue Aug 7 07:25:29 MDT 2007

Start with a bucket of dough.  What you really want is the salisbury 
clutch type diff, currently manufactured by 
Tran-x.  http://www.tran-x.com/DiffsHTML/TR6.html  These are not 
cheap.  Another alternative is the Quaiffe limited slip, but that is 
a torque sensing gear drive design that requires both rear wheels on 
the ground to work 
right.  http://www.upgrademotoring.com/performance/quaife_app.htm 
Lift the inside wheel and it's not much better than an open 
diff.  Another less expensive option is a welded diff - you can start 
with that and move up to the Tran-x.

- Tony Drews

At 11:23 PM 8/6/2007, jim hearn wrote:
>What a options for a limited slip rear end for a '74 TR6 used for autox and
>road racing?  Thanks, Jim

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