[Roadsters] Horsehair pads between frame and body

Erik Miller funkaholik at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 11 12:47:00 MST 2021

I used Xcel Marine Foam, 1/2 inch thick. It's a closed cell foam that won't absorb water.  It's available on Amazon. One roll will do two cars.  Here is the link to buy on Amazon:  https://www.amazon.com/XCEL-Marine-Closed-Neoprene-Adhesive/dp/B07G3J6294/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=XCEL+Extra+Large+Marine+Roll%2C+Closed+Cell+Neoprene+Rubber+with+Adhesive%2C+Size+60%22+x+16%22+x+1%2F2%22&qid=1636659970&s=sporting-goods&sr=1-1
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