[Roadsters] FYI

Jerry Krakauer jsk977 at optonline.net
Wed Jan 13 08:31:25 MST 2021

Moss Motors (everything English) has SU float bowl gaskets for $1.45.

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: dave via Datsun-roadsters
Sent: Tuesday, January 12, 2021 4:35 PM
To: datsun-roadsters at autox.team.net
Subject: [Roadsters] FYI

I was just at my local Nissan dealer, and was able to get a couple float bowl gaskets!  

A little pricey at $4.12 ea!

And I measured the gaskets for a 240Z float bowl while I was there, and they are the same inside and outside diameter.  I did not think to check to see if the bolt holes also lined up

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