[Roadsters] soft top

Pat Horne patintexas at icloud.com
Sun Jun 28 20:16:39 MDT 2020

I’ve never installed a soft top myself but have had a couple installed by shops. Before you cut anything for the snaps, make sure the top will fit. The shop I used – who had been doing tops for decades - had to add material to the back of the top to make it long enough. The top was a Robins top, picked up from one of our suppliers. Robbins used to have problems with these tops but I don’t know if they still do. This was in about 2005 or so.

Where did you find the gasket?

Good luck with the install.


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From: dave via Datsun-roadsters
Sent: Sunday, June 28, 2020 9:07 PM
To: datsun-roadsters at autox.team.net
Subject: [Roadsters] soft top

I am installing the soft top on an early 67 roadster.

I see this:  http://www.311s.org/pmwiki-311/pmwiki.php?n=TechSection.SoftTopInstall

Anyone have anything better?  We have already decided to do the snaps in the back first, then do the front.  I think that makes more sense.

Btw I found a generic gasket for the front where it meets the windshield - $12!

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