[Roadsters] Interesting offer or: for sale.

Mark Miller markmiller at threeboysfarm.com
Sun Jun 21 17:19:30 MDT 2020

Hi. I am moving, selling the place I have been living since 2005.  Until 
I settle on where I am going to live long term I am finding temporary 
homes for various things. One of these is a 4 post lift.  I've been 
using it for storage for my roadster; it's been very lightly used: up 
and down a few dozen times (but is is 15 years old).

Long term I'd like to keep it but for now: does anyone nearby (I'm in 
the SF north bay area) want to borrow a lift for a year? Or want to buy 
it (and I'll buy another when I'm ready)?  Great for fitting a second 
car in and/or for working on them (what am I doing? This is not a place 
where I need to expound on how nice having a lift is. If you want one 
you want one.).  If no takers I have a place I can store it, but thought 
someone could find it rather useful.  Details: you'll find it easiest to 
move with a trailer and/or it can be disassembled.  Plugs into 110V, has 
wheels that can be attached, various drip pans.  Lemme know.


Mark Miller   707-490-5834
markmiller at threeboysfarm.com

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