[Roadsters] datsun interior and top

Gary Ault aultgc at att.net
Mon Jul 18 00:17:04 MDT 2016

If the car is kept indoors while you're reinstalling the interior, I think it will be easier to do the interior first.

Sent from my mobile phone.

-------- Original message --------
From: dave n via Datsun-roadsters <datsun-roadsters at autox.team.net> 
Date: 7/17/16  6:10 PM  (GMT-06:00) 
To: Datsun <datsun-roadsters at autox.team.net> 
Subject: [Roadsters] datsun interior and top 

some time ago I removed the interior and top on my roadster.  I’ve 
replaced the carpet, and put the seats back in, although they definitely need to 
be restuffed and recovered.  the car runs and drives; the dash and gages 
are in and functional.
simple question – should I put the top back on, then have the interior 
redone, or vica versa?
if it matters, it is an early 67 low windshield 
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