[Roadsters] Fuel Bowl filter and fuel flow

Roy Haslett hrhaslett at yahoo.com
Fri May 9 10:27:39 MDT 2014

Hello All,
I recently reinstalled a new fuel filter and spring in my 67 1600. 
The bowl has not had one in a very long time.  I am having issues with fuel
starvation.  I have just installed a freshly rebuilt fuel pump as I thought
that was my problem, yet my problem persists.  I am noticing the glass bowl
never is full, it is about 1/2 full and goes up and down with gas trickling in
in spurts.  Is the filter restricting flow?  Anyone else have this problem?  I
have blown out the fuel line to the tank and it seems perfectly clear.  Am I
missing something?  I checked all clamps and all are tight, no leaks.  Never
had an issue like this.

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