[Roadsters] Brake lights and Right directional

Gary and Cindy Ault aultgc at att.net
Mon Jun 23 16:35:26 MDT 2014


First, let me say that my cars are low-windshield types, so anything I
say about high-windshield electrical systems is suspect.

It sounds to me like
two separate problems which appeared at the same time.  The brake lights are
controlled by a microswitch mounted near and activated by the brake pedal.
 Make sure this switch is working properly and being contacted properly.

my low-windshield cars, the lower portion of the steering column is splined,
and held in place longitudinally by a bolt on the steering column universal
joint.  There is some room for adjustment, and if the column is too far
towards the steering box, mounting the steering wheel on the column can cause
bad things to happen with the turn signals and/or horn.  When I first got my
'67-1/2 2000, I changed the steering wheel, and found that some PO had put
layers of tin foil around the tapered bushing which goes at the top of the
steering column.  When I replaced the bushing with a new one, the horn would
sound at certain steering wheel positions.  I pondered that for a while, and
finally said to myself, "Well, dummy, why don't you check the fit-up of the
column to the U-joint?"  Moved the column as far towards the passenger
compartment as it would go, and, voila', problem solved.  There was not
sufficient clearance between the column housing and the
 steering wheel hub, so the hub rubbed on the column housing during portions
of a turn, sounding the horn.  (Surprising how much time it can take to figure
these things out, 'cause it ain't in any manual.  The PO who put the tinfoil
on the bushing apparently never took the time.)

Absent a better description
of "...the directional stalk isn't working...", that's the best I can do.
 Hope it helps.


 From: Gene at Scotia
Lockup <gene at scotialockup.com>
To: datsun-roadsters at autox.team.net 
Wednesday, June 18, 2014 3:24 PM
Subject: [Roadsters] Brake lights and Right

I'm a first timer to the site and need some direction. I pulled
the engine
and trans to change the clutch and got everything back together and
had a
hard starting problem that I traced to a loose ground. After the ground
fixed it developed a strange problem, the brake lights and right
are always on and the directional stalk is not working. The only
way to turn
them off is to disconnect the battery. I disconnected the feed
wire from the
starter to the fuse box and kept the feed wire to the ignition
switch. The
car starts fine but no break lights or directional. 

Any help is

datsun-roadsters at autox.team.net

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