[Roadsters] what is this?

O'Farrell, Fergus P (AS) Fergus.OFarrell at ngc.com
Tue Dec 23 19:27:09 MST 2014

The list has been quiet, got to throw some kindling on the proverbial holiday
yule log / f ire.

What is this?

and other than the kluge West Marine trailer lights, are those rear fenders
stock?  Very roadster reminiscent.

Other than that front panel rust (Ross, got a patch bit?) it looks to be quite
the unusual piece to show up to the 50's car show, like a 70% rendition of a
Ford business coupe.

Start throwing arrows, even the flaming ones!
Happy holidays folks,

drive em if you got 'em ( a second hand message from our friend Vic Laury)

Fergus O
69 2000 in hibernation (76 degrees today, why hibernating is a good question)

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