[Roadsters] [Bluebird510] '70 2000 Wheel Cylinder hard line nut size.

Ronnie Day ronnie.day at gmail.com
Sun Jun 2 16:33:12 MDT 2013

Forgot to mention that 3/8 is too small, 7/16, too large. I'll do what I
can cleaning up the flats but there's not much room to get to at least a
couple of them. Gonna hit it with heat too, but the big problem is that
neither metric or SAE open end or flare nut wrenches fit. They're either
too small or too small.

And of course I'll need to get it all back together after I replace the
wheel cylinder which is totally shot and not rebuildable in place. I'd
really prefer NOT to have to replace the hard line, too.

On Sun, Jun 2, 2013 at 5:20 PM, Ward Hill Press <wardhill at rcn.com> wrote:

>  Whitworth? :-P
> That was a joke if you know what Whitworth <http://www.wikipedia.htm>is....but then could the 2000 copied the British down to the nuts?
> Can you get a good look at those brake line nuts? Maybe file the flats a
> little?
> Steve
> At 06:01 PM 6/2/2013, you wrote:
> Don't I need a 10 mm flare nut wrench for the brake line nut on the rear
> brake wheel cylinder on a '70 2000 roadster? I'm pretty sure that's what I
> need, but I've got a 10 mm (too small, or just won't go on) and an 11 mm
> (too large). Neither work. Looks like someone in the past buggered the nut
> flats royally. Figured I'd check before  go after it (carefully) with vice
> grips. Both side are soaking in PB Blaster.
> TIA,
> Ron
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