[Roadsters] off topic - 4-post lifts

Tim tputland at charter.net
Thu Aug 29 08:56:16 MDT 2013

" so exactly where do you live...???? ;) "

not that far from me actually. Good Luck Bill! Can't wait to 
use....er...I mean see your new lift!


On Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 9:40 AM, David Bentz wrote:

> Hi Bill,
> There are several companies out there from both US and abroad. I 
> looked
> into this a few years back and it looked to be about 2k to get the job 
> done
> for residential use.
> At the time, from what I found Rotary was a good company to purchase 
> it
> from. It seemed like they were widely used w/in the car community 
> without
> any problems of collapse. I would look at how the locks are setup w/in 
> the
> metal and how secure they are.
> Also I think you need to think about more than just putting the 240z 
> on
> there. Think of it as you are the only guy in the neighborhood who has 
> a
> truck ("yes it's my truck, no I won't help you move"). If you have one 
> of
> these, you are going to be the best friend of all of the local car 
> guys,
> who i'm sure could find a need to 'come visit' and borrow it. Maybe 
> you can
> recoup your costs in a few months. so exactly where do you live...???? 
> ;)
> Enjoy,
> Dave
> On Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 9:06 AM, Bill Oakes <boakes at gmail.com> wrote:
>> It's been kind of quiet so thought I'd throw this one out there:
>> I'm looking at installing a 4 post car lift in my garage this 
>> fall/winter.
>> Any recommendations?
>> I have plenty of height, would prefer as small a footprint as 
>> possible, and
>> don't need anything heavy duty, it will be holding up a roadster or 
>> 240z.
>> thanks
>> Bill Oakes
>> Libertyville, IL
>> ____

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