[Roadsters] U20 Head Info Needed

Tom Hendricksen tom at datsun2000.com
Thu Aug 15 10:27:25 MDT 2013

I have been looking for the the U20 head thickness dimension.  I had a 
belt failure and warped the head now on my car.  It has been trimmed 
quite a bit and is not level, which means the compression ranges from 
150-215 Lbs from one end of the engine to the other. FWIW the engine 
runs very well with this head, but requires super fuel.  I am not going 
to have this head reworked because I suspect it has been already been 
milled at least .030" and I don't think I want to have it heated and 
twisted back into shape.  Instead I am going to use the head from my 
spare engine.  I would like to know if it has been trimmed, and how much.

What is the original thickness of the U20 Head?

69 2000 - Mr. Hyde
Las Vegas

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