[Roadsters] Fwd: No first gear

vulforge at aol.com vulforge at aol.com
Wed Aug 7 12:13:18 MDT 2013

So the clutch slave cylinder failed on my early '67, and I had to crash gears
get it home, finally dragging it in to the garage with the starter in second.
replaced the slave (O'Reilly doesn't list the Roadster, but does list the 520
truck) and even managed to bleed it myself.  Now the clutch works fine, but it
will not shift in to first, even with the engine off.  I have a rebuilt trans
was going to put in, but would rather wait until after the season as it will
require two engine removals and all the "while I am at its".  Any ideas for an
easy even if temporary fix?

Russell Criswell
Vulcan's Forge
3936 Broadway
Kansas City MO 64111


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