[Roadsters] Fuel Pumps

Fred Davidson fred.davidson at diversia.ca
Fri Aug 2 17:27:20 MDT 2013

Hi:   (I tried to send this a couple of days ...guess pressed the wrong


I use two  Facet Posi-flo solid state fuel pumps in line individually
switched  with "key on power".  One pump is a primary and is used most of
the time, the other is back up and only used if the other fails, which
hasn't happened , yet.  The value of these pumps over most others is that
they can pump gas through or draw gas through the another in line (most fuel
pumps can't do that except the standard Datsun mechanical pump.  The other
benefit is that they are fairly inexpensive, fairly quiet and reliable. They
are used a lot in ultra light aircraft, see  Aircraft Spruce web site under
engines, fuel pumps.


Mine are on a '69 Datsun 2000 Solex.    



Ontario, Canada

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