[Roadsters] Transporting Cars

peter harrison granvillecomputing at hotmail.com
Tue May 8 23:11:05 MDT 2012

My neighbour, Ed Brown, (Van Nuys, CA) transports typically highend cars all
around the country. He was selected to transport AX201 (the original Silver
Ghost) for the Rolls Royce Centenniary.
I mention this only because times are tight and he often has empty
(reasonable) capacity in his truck (typical load is from 6-8 cars)
So, if you are looking for closed transportation, and you have some wait time
built in, he might be a useful contact. Given the cost of fuel these days, and
flying out, sorting the car etc., he might be a decent option.

Peter Harrison - Eliza [TOAD SAN]
818 448 3181

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