[Roadsters] car cover, alternative

O'Farrell, Fergus P (AS) Fergus.OFarrell at ngc.com
Fri Jan 13 05:29:59 MST 2012

Just so's you know, my neighbor gave me a car cover from the car his GF sold,
her new Beetle, and it fits almost perfectly on the roadster. (with a rollbar)
The beetle must be shorter and wider in just the right manner.
The mirror pockets are way out on the fenders, and there is that goofy sock
for the angled antenna in the middle above the rear window, but just an
alternative if you run across one.
It is probably baggy enough that it might inflate and pull off upwards in a
really stiff wind, but clings nicely around the fenders/bumpers and such.

Fergus O
currently in Ankara, Turkey.  There are no vintage cars on the roads here, due
to ~8 bucks a gallon prices.   A turbo diesel Mazda3,  4 door, is averaging
48mpg.  Sign me up!
The driving is a bit like Talladega, and I mean like everyone at Talladega
gets out and drives, the spectators, the trashmen, the concession carts, and
the racers, every out there all at once.
Miss an offramp?   Don't worry, turn on the flashers, (which means "I am ready
to break new ground") and then either reverse, or turn around and drive into
oncoming traffic, but as long as ya got them blinkers on you are good to go.

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