[Roadsters] 240 Z for sale in central Texas

Morey Mast mmast at universalprintingco.com
Fri Jan 13 10:13:30 MST 2012

Happy New Year to all,

I am a long-time subscriber to the autox.team.net, but seldom have anything to
say.  I enjoy reading others posts.

This is to let anyone who may be interested that there is a one-owner 240 Z
with a 240 Z parts car for sale in central Texas.  I received notification of
this via a Z Club of Texas newsletter.  (I have been a Z Club of Texas member
since 1985.)   The two cars were located about 6 miles from my home in Bangs,
Texas, so I went to see them.  They are sure enough "barn-finds".  I have
taken 16 photos in case anyone is interested.  The parts car does not have a
title.  It is cleaner than many cars I have seen being restored.  The other
car, a one-owner belonged to the deceased son of the gentleman I met with.  I
am 68 years old and I bet he was 10 years older than me.    The son was 54 and
died by his own hand.  A really sad story.

If there is any interest let me know and I will email the photos along with
contact info.  There is even a car dolly for sale.  My email address is
mmast at universalprintingco.com<mailto:mmast at universalprintingco.com>

Also, I have been a Roadster owner since about 1982 and have owned as many as
five at one time.  I am down to one 69 2000 which was really a 70 1600.  I
changed drive train from a 69 2000 along with the entire dash, including the
2000 VIN.  Since I had the title to both cars I reregistered it in Texas as a
1969 2000.

Since I am starting to down size I will be offering a load of used and NOS
parts for sale.  This includes a NOS 2000 head...the real thing, still in the
original carton.  It is not one of the forklift engine heads offered at one
time by Rallaye.   I bought it while trying to rebuild my current 2000 so I
could determine how much had been shaved off the existing head.  I found it
while searching for collets.  I got used ones from the gentleman in Blaine,
WA.  I found new ones and the head plus a few other parts from an outfit
called Rising Sun Motors or Rising Sun Racing in Atlanta, GA.  This was around
1995.  The head is still in the original factory carton.  Other parts include
alternators, turn signal switch, ignition switch, fuel pumps, clutch slave
cylinders, a rebuilt 5-speed plus loads of chrome, used and NOS.

I am not even sure my emails are getting out, so if you receive this, please
let me know.


Morey M. Mast
Vice President, National Sales
Universal Printing Company
114 Center Ave., Suite 204
Brownwood, TX 76801
325-646-4300 Voice
325-646-4390 FAX
FSC Certified by the Forest Stewardship Council<http://www.fscus.org/> as a
Chain-of-Custody printer

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