[Roadsters] 66 in Azusa CA

Paul Bauman plhbauman at earthlink.net
Sat Dec 29 17:26:59 MST 2012


It's not that it never rains in California. Like nearly everything else 
here, it's just been made illegal.

Paul Bauman
Westminster, CA
67 1600

On 12/29/2012 03:06 PM, Stan Wilkins wrote:
>    It never rains in California.  Yeah, like it never snows in Arizona
> Stan, sitting in Flagstaff with a 60% chance of 2" of white fungus on Sunday
> On 12/29/2012 2:11 PM, Erik Miller wrote:
>> I see 3 more roadsters in the background, all with faded but more "natural"
>> paint jobs.  Someone save them from getting rained on with the tops down...

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