[Roadsters] Wanted: Austin Healey Mark III

Tom Hendricksen tom at datsun2000.com
Fri Dec 28 22:14:22 MST 2012

In 1969 I took my 68 2 Liter roadster to Ron Tonkin Gran Tourisimo on 
Burnside in downtown Portland, Oregon and looked at a beautiful red '64 
Ferrari convertible they had imported.  They imported Ferrari's to avoid 
the federal laws coming into effect.  This one was red with a natural 
interior and Borani wheels.  It was priced at $4,000, AND according to 
the information letter on the window it was the one and only Ferrari 
built for the street using a fiberglass body.  I stood by the car for 
about an hour trying to convince myself I should buy it.  I could afford 
to trade my roadster and buy the car, but a clutch was $500 on the work 
bench at the import specialty and Lotus dealer near my home.  A tune-up 
was about $350, which I learned when Todd Webb and his nationally 
recognized Porsche race team could not tune up a Ferrari he was loaned 
and he had to pay Ron Tonkin to tune it up for him, and of course there 
was the insurance thing as well as trying to get my mother's car out of 
the garage so I could put a Ferrari in it.  I finally walked away 
without the car.  Today Ron Tonkin still owns the car.  I have been told 
it is in his warehouse.  The service manager for Ferrari here in Las 
Vegas told me that Tonkin is now the importer, and I have seen an F1 car 
being unloaded from a cargo van near his warehouse.  Oh, and that clutch 
today?  About $3500 sitting on the work bench.  A tune-up/service will 
set you back something North of $1.00/mile driven if serviced at 
recommended intervals.

69 2000 - Mr. Hyde
Las Vegas

On 12/28/2012 4:37 PM, Pete Peters wrote:
> Ahhhhh, memories. I found a '68 'Vette for $1500, but the insurance for a
> single, under 21 sailor was $3000. Ended up w/ a '72 El Camino.
> Even more important, in '73, before the Great Oil Embargo, gas was still
> less than fifty-cents a gallon!
> Pete
> -----Original Message-----
> From: datsun-roadsters-bounces at autox.team.net
> [mailto:datsun-roadsters-bounces at autox.team.net] On Behalf Of Mark J
> Bradakis
> Sent: Friday, December 28, 2012 2:55 PM
> To: datsun
> Subject: Re: [Roadsters] Wanted: Austin Healey Mark III
> Years ago my father shipped my old train set out to me here in Utah.  He
> wrapped up the bits in sections of the Indianapolis Star newspaper.  Here's
> some examples of what was in the automotive classifieds back in 1973:
> '67 Chevelle, 396, 4 spd. $950
> '67 Corvette conv. air, power windows, 427, $2,300
> Ferrari, 1959 250 GT, 12 cyl. 2 passenger, excel. cond. $4,950
> '53 Jag XK120 show car, $3,395
> '64 MGB New red paint, new top, luggage rack, very fast, $1,000
> '59 MGA, engine good, body needs work $500
> '58 Porsche, runs good, $850
> '60 Triumph, 4 spd., looks, runs perfect  $300
> '64 TR4 wire wheels, new paint, tires, $750
> '64 TR4 Rebuilt, mech. perfect, new tires, no rust $850
> '56 Morgan Plus 4, excel. orig. condition, $3,500
> mjb
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