[Roadsters] Datsun-roadsters Digest, Vol 4, Issue 356

stevenehlers at charter.net stevenehlers at charter.net
Sun Dec 16 22:35:23 MST 2012

Hey Jim ,
   Besides valves and guides ,if you need them ,It is New Steel Intake 
valve seats you need in these heads ,if the
stock brass ones are still in it . They need to be cut with at least 3 
angles and 4 preferred ,if the replacement seat is wide enough, while 
doing the valve job .

  The bowl areas behind the seat need proper blending and a performance 
gain will be the result .
Of course there are other areas of Head work a used U-20 head may need 
in addition to the basic valve work .

This additional nec or optional work ,may need to be done after a person 
that is  Knowledgeable about Roadster heads , inspects and checks yours 
out .
That search will need to lead you to that person .  Good luck finding a 
shop in AZ., since mines in Texas ,I assumed you
didn't want to ship it .
www.risingsunperformance.com <http://www.risingsunperformance.com>

> Today's Topics:
>    1. U20 head work (Jim Svedise)
> Anyone know of a good shop between Tucson and Nogales Az. to have new 
> guides
> and valve install at?
> Thanks in Advance,
> Jim

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