[Roadsters] Datsun-roadsters Digest, Vol 4, Issue 353

Mark Hatch mhatch at ics.com
Fri Dec 14 07:29:33 MST 2012

> Message: 1
> Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2012 12:14:55 -0800 (PST)
> From: Mike Harper <roadsterdude1600 at yahoo.com>
> To: Datsun Roadsters <datsun-roadsters at autox.team.net>
> Subject: [Roadsters] Running after ignition switched off
> Message-ID:
> 	<1355429695.43727.YahooMailClassic at web124902.mail.ne1.yahoo.c
> om>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> I am getting too old!  I had this happen (car keeps running after
ignition switch
> turned off) several years ago, and after replcing the switch (hint -
that was NOT
> the problem), I finally solved the problem and felt silly for not
finding the cause
> earlier.  Guess what - I cannot now remember what it was!!!
> I have a friend who is hving that same problem,and I told him, sure,
mine did
> that and it was .......(damn, I cannot now remember WHAT it was).
> OLD MAN>>>>>
> Mike Harper, CAI, AARE
> Harper Auction & Realty
> 843-729-4996
> "Experience Sells"
> www.AuctionMyRealEstate.NET
[MJH>] I created this problem recently when I tried to reconnect my backup
lights on my '69. Turned off the key, withdrew the key and the engine
continued to run. Figured out that there must be some short (probably thru
the hazard light). Disconnected the backup harness bullet connections in
the engine compartment and it behaved again.


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