[Roadsters] rock the cars-bah!

Fergus O'Farrell fergus06 at socal.rr.com
Thu Dec 6 21:19:17 MST 2012

<<  if I just put some rod mounts and a cooler on the front bumper...  >>
I don't think we are standing on formality, so you could add most anything you
want to the front and rear bumper, and we'd be delighted by the result.
(a couple o'spare tires making it look like a tugboat wouldn't look outta
place at this point)

That is the joy or roadsters and roadster folk, we welcome all comers.

Other than the first corner at 35+, I'd just have to add a louder stereo, some
serious driving music, and relax and enjoy the ride.(and a helmet to keep my
noggin from glancing off that rollbar)

You go Garth!


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