[Roadsters] Brake service safety caution

Wes Jones dooger at wildblue.net
Sat Apr 28 19:29:14 MDT 2012

Agree.  Asbestos is a problem AIUI only with long term heavy exposure and  
in combination with other aggravating factors like smoking.  The whole  
issue was the biggest environmental fraud in history before the global  
warming thing got legs.  The only effect the asbestos issue has really had  
is make some companies rich by allowing them to charge exorbitant amounts  
to do remediation in public buildings and elsewhere when it's ordered by  
the EPA.  Oh, and deny industry a cheap product for heat shielding.  It's  
perfectly safe if handled with common sense.

OK, that's my rant...

Best, wes

On Fri, 27 Apr 2012 13:01:32 -0400, Gary McCormick <gkmcc at sbcglobal.net>  

> Overkill.
> Thousands of tons of "asbestos-bearing" dust have been released into the
> environment over the decades during which the material was used in brake  
> pads
> and clutch discs. If it's so bleeding dangerous, we'd ALL have lung  
> cancerb&
> Gary McCormick
> San Jose, CA
> --- On Fri, 4/27/12, datsun_nut at ns.sympatico.ca  
> <datsun_nut at ns.sympatico.ca>
> wrote:
> From: datsun_nut at ns.sympatico.ca <datsun_nut at ns.sympatico.ca>
> Subject: [Roadsters] Brake service safety caution
> To: datsun-roadsters at autox.team.net
> Date: Friday, April 27, 2012, 9:45 AM
> It was with dismay that I read the other day of a 'listmember' servicing  
> a
> rear brake, which included vacuuming the dust.
> We should never do anything which could allow any brake dust to get into  
> the
> air.
> Brake dust may contain asbestos, asbestos is a carcinogen and any  
> exposure is
> dangerous.
> If one is going to do any brake service, the first step is to wet the  
> brake
> dust down with LOW pressure water (a hose on minimum flow) and capture  
> the
> dirty, contaminated water as a hazardous waste.
> I would add the dirty water to my waste oil container. Even brake clean  
> on
> it's own is a danger as it has high pressure which could also make dust  
> fly
> into the air. I only spray brake clean into a rag and wipe parts clean.
> We shouldn't do anything that could cause brake dust to go into the air;  
> I
> wear a mask and gloves, do not eat or smoke while doing brake service,  
> use NOT
> petroleum greases so as not to contaminate any rubber parts(use
> silicone/synthetic brake lubricants)
> Work safe
> Just my thoughts, this is what I teach my students in my Automotive  
> program at
> Community College
> Enjoy the ride
> Damian Hall
> 69 SRL solex
> 88 300ZX
> 87 XJ6
> PictouB  NSB  Canada
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