[Roadsters] Chance to help one of our own

Fergus O'Farrell fergus06 at socal.rr.com
Sun Apr 22 11:38:09 MDT 2012

I get the digest version, so this may have already come out, but from Steve on

     Not sure how many folks know or have met Victor Laury but he is a
longtime Datsun enthusiast and an over all great guy. You can read Ron's
poster for the rest of the information.


311s.org link:

direct link to the info, in case any don't have access to the 311s site.:

Victor showed us all the example of the always giving, always helping, always
welcoming generosity that sets "the Roadster crowd" apart.

I hope to carry on even 1/10th of the self-less hospitality he showed us all.

His Z car also just finished an EBay listing with no takers, so will be
relisted again I am guessing.
While the cars have had an idle period, they were always top-notch. The joy on
his face when he told us he had "scored an OEM ashtray cover for the 521
truck" was priceless.
Besides being an A1 mechanic (chronicled for all of us the changing the timing
chain on his U-20 while the engine was still in the car) , Victor also dove
into "a mad polisher", and his cars exhibit countless hours spent.

Great guy, if ever anyone exemplified "the roadster spirit", it is Victor.

Fergus O
69 2000,
Los Alamitos, CA

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