[Roadsters] NIssan needs to be made aware of what the Roadster did for their History

Linda Jordan ljordan704 at netscape.net
Mon Apr 16 10:11:23 MDT 2012

Why spend energy trying to make Nissan come around? Best thing to do is have a
party with some nice examples of the cars and call the news media. Then look
right into the camera and say that Nissan is dumb for not bringing the car
back in a updated way. That should get the execs to wake up from their naps.
Don't get me started LOL


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On Apr 16, 2012, at 8:41 AM, BARTERDUDE at aol.com wrote:

> Got this from one of the roadster enthusiasts.  Can you believe this  BS,
> if it wasn't for the roadster the Z car wouldn't have come to  fruition.  We
> need to start a campaign to get these snot nosed young pukes  who don't know
> about the roadster, some education:
>   Unfortunately,  Nissan USA is not planning anything stateside according
> to a corporate affairs  person in Tennessee.  The fellow I spoke this
> morning said he would check  with Nissan Japan, but he had not heard of
> there,  either.
> Chatting a bit, he didn't really  have a reason as to why the company's not
> celebrating the 311.  He didn't  exhibit much knowledge about the car in
> the first place, but noted it "didn't  catch on" like the Z, which formed
> basis for its 40th anniversary promotion  by the automaker.
> Anyone know contacts at Nissan in Japan to build a fire?
> Gary Lasater  - Parker CO
> founding member _www.WyCROC.org_ (http://www.wycroc.org/)  /
> _www.ZRoad.org_ (http://www.zroad.org/)
> 1963 SPL310-00161C  (Single Carb)
> 1963 SPL310-00289B (Single Carb)
> 1964 SPL310-01289
> 1967  SPL311-09144
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