[Roadsters] Oil Pump Primer

Tim tputland at charter.net
Mon Apr 16 07:43:47 MDT 2012

Thanks Scott.

This is basically what I thought would be involved--at least in my 
modest knowledge base somewhere in the vastness of my severely damaged 
brain pan.

I was thinking it would be best to get this detailed info out to the 
whole list just in case there is even one person out there who does not 
know this.


On Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 8:24 AM, Scott Sheeler wrote:


Before priming with the distributor drive gear removed you must set the 
engine to TDC on #1 cylinder to assure your timing is correct and then 
not move the crankshaft until you are done.  It is a bear to get the 
drive gear back into the slot in the oil pump since the gears are 
helical gears and the drive gear will turn as it is lowered back into 
the block.  This will also turn the tang on the bottom of the drive gear 
that is to align with the oil pump drive shaft slot. It can be a very 
time-consuming operation that, once finished, has to be confirmed that 
the drive gear is in the correct location to allow installation of the 
distributor.  The 2000 factory workshop manual has a number of good 
photos of what things should look like when they're put back together.

One ideal way to do it is to set the engine at TDC exactly, take a photo 
of the drive gear slot orientation (the distributor drive slot will be 
offset to one side), remove the distributor drive gear, take a good, 
clear photo of the location of the slot in the oil pump shaft and then 
do your priming.  Once completed, refer to the photo to get the oil pump 
drive slot returned to the precise location.  "Precise" is the word 
since the tang on the drive gear must hit the pump shaft slot exactly as 
you insert it and it turns as it meshes.  Be prepared for a lot of trial 
and error.

Scott Sheeler
http://thedatsunroadsterbook.com/ <http://thedatsunroadsterbook.com/>

> Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2012 08:56:12 -0400 From: tputland at charter.net To: 
> datsun-roadsters at autox.team.net Subject: Re: [Roadsters] Oil Pump 
> Primer
> Anyone have any input on this...... Thanks
> On Sun, Apr 15, 2012 at 4:24 PM, Gary and Cindy Ault wrote:
>> Dan,
>> Isn't it also necessary to remove the intermediate gear which engages 
>> the jackshaft? How does one realign the slot in the oil pump drive 
>> shaft to reinsert the intermediate shaft when done priming the oil 
>> system?
>> Gary
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