[Roadsters] Brake Adjuster Tool

Ronnie Day ronnie.day at gmail.com
Sun Apr 15 16:18:10 MDT 2012

Don't remember if I mentioned it, but I'm pulling the drums to diagnose a
bad grab on the right rear, not just adjusting the rear brakes. IMO, if you
use a socket that engages just the corners of the adjuster you risk
rounding the corners off if the adjuster doesn't turn easily. Regardless,
earlier I used the setup I described in my original post to back the
adjuster all the way out on one side and that worked fine, but the drum
doesn't want to come off. Then we had a line of storm come through.

The shoes aren't dragging. Before I came in I sprayed the  mating line
between the axles and the drums, and the holes where the wheel studs come
through the drum with PB Blaster. I'll go out in a few and whack the drums
(carefully) with a hammer if needed, and I may need to try heat.
Unfortunately the roadster drums don't have threaded holes like the Z-Car
drums that we use on the 510s have. I may end up seeing if the O'Reilly's
here in town has a puller big enough to grab the drum.

Old cars are SO much fun!!


On Sun, Apr 15, 2012 at 4:33 PM, Gary and Cindy Ault <aultgc at att.net> wrote:

> RWM,
> What size 12-point?  I don't think a 1/4-inch 12-point hex socket will fit
> a 1/4 square head -- too small.  (I don't have a 1/4 12-point, but you can
> demonstrate the same thing with a 3/8 square drive extension:  It takes a
> 7/16 12-point to accommodate the 3/8 square head.)
> Personally, I just use a 1/4-inch open end wrench with the back end on
> stands so I can get at the adjuster.
> Gary
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "RWM" <RWM at RWMann.com>
> To: "Datsun Roadster Listserver" <datsun-roadsters at autox.team.**net<datsun-roadsters at autox.team.net>
> >
> Sent: Sunday, April 15, 2012 6:20 AM
> Subject: Re: [Roadsters] Brake Adjuster Tool
>  Or a 12-point...
>> On 4/14/2012 10:35 PM, robert k. smith wrote:
>>> hi,ron, i think you need an 8 point socket.( 4 points make the square,
>>> and will fit the adj.)    have fun,  bob smith, ohio
>>>  Date: Sat, 14 Apr 2012 11:16:32 -0500
>>>> From: ronnie.day at gmail.com
>>>> To: datsun-roadsters at autox.team.**net <datsun-roadsters at autox.team.net>;
>>>> bluebird510 at googlegroups.com
>>>> Subject: [Roadsters] Brake Adjuster Tool
>>>> I'm going to be working on the Roadster this weekend, doing the carpet
>>>> and
>>>> then the rear brakes. I stopped at the local O'Reilly's looking for a
>>>> socket with a 1/4 square business end to fit the the brake adjuster. No
>>>> go
>>>> on a specific socket, but I did find a 1/4 allen/hex caliper bit (Lisle
>>>> 12450). It's 3/8 drive so I can just stick a 1/4 x 1/4 drive socket on
>>>> the
>>>> hex end go to it. I know that using a couple of sockets with a piece of
>>>> allen stock has been suggested before, but this option doesn't require
>>>> any
>>>> cutting.
>>>> FWIW,
>>>> Ron
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