[Roadsters] Oil Pump Primer

Pat Horne pat at hornesystemstx.com
Sun Apr 15 13:08:36 MDT 2012

Tom Walter suggested the shaft priming back in the 90's. The one thing 
that nobody has mentioned is that you have to turn it counter-clockwise 
to prime the engine.

I rebuilt a 1941 Buick Straight 8 some years ago and decided to prime 
the engine using the oi pump. I was really surprised how long it took to 
get the air out of the lines. It took several minutes to bring the 
pressure up to full pressure.


Thusly spake Domingo Castilleja, On 4/15/2012 1:20 PM:
>   Has anyone used a srewdriver (shaft) as an oil pump primer? Do you foresee
> any problems using the shaft with drill to turn the oil pump.
> mingocast
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Pat Horne, Owner, Horne Systems
(512) 797-7501 Voice		5026 FM 2001
Pat at HorneSystemsTx.com	Lockhart, TX 78644-4443
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