[Roadsters] body-to-muffler gapping, 1" required

Gary and Cindy Ault aultgc at att.net
Thu Apr 12 11:31:38 MDT 2012

My '66 1600 has a U20 motor, so I use the late 2000 exhaust, which has the
muffler behind the "X" member, and more in the open.  Seat warming problem
solved.  I would think any capable muffler shop could configure a similar
arrangement for the R16.



From: Paul
Courson <cour.jpeg at gmail.com>
To: Gary and Cindy Ault <aultgc at att.net>
Cc: Dan
Kroninger <d_kroninger at hotmail.com>; Tim <tputland at charter.net>; 
Fergus P (AS)" <Fergus.OFarrell at ngc.com>; 
datsun-roadsters at autox.team.net
Sent: Thu, April 12, 2012 10:24:39 AM
Subject: Re: [Roadsters] body-to-muffler
gapping, 1" required

Yes, and because they rust through fairly quickly, the
shield breaks
off, one mount at a time, and then makes a wonderful metallic
noise. They then are discarded, and you get the optional seat warmer.
On Tue, Apr 10, 2012 at 8:45 PM, Gary and Cindy Ault <aultgc at att.net> wrote:
> My recollection is that the heat shields on factory mufflers, which
> spot-welded to the muffler body at the mid-plane, are thin steel.

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