[Roadsters] OT(non Roadster) tire question

Tim tputland at charter.net
Tue Nov 29 05:50:29 MST 2011

HI all.

Thanks for input. And also for not making me feel like too much of an 

Having driven with snows on the just back of my 2WD truck a couple 
winters ago with no issues, I didn't think this was an issue and I 
didn't have any issues---(luckily!).

To reply to a few suggestions I received:

Chains--I don't think chains are allowed here but really are not 
necessary very often as they do a decent job with snow removal.
Studs--I am just about 100% certain these are not allowed and again, 
snow removal is pretty good.
One vehicle--I wish. My schedule and the wife's schedule are too 
different to do this.
Full set of good all weather tires--probably how I am going to go for 
Connie's car as four snow tires now leads to the need for 
another full set of regular tires in the spring for her car which means 
more money more money more money.
Tire Rack--Yes, this is who I deal with and will call today.

Thanks again all!

Still cluelss but always learning


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