[Roadsters] 1970 1600 Roadster .... super deal !

Mark Bennett markbennett1 at shaw.ca
Tue Nov 8 13:35:33 MST 2011

Hi list

Thanks for posting this Pete!  I'm the guy who popped in to see Greg.  I 
was hoping that Greg would know a local guy who would want to take this 
on.   There is only a couple of roadsters around up here so it may be 
heading back to the states!  I'm happy to answer any questions about the 
car....every vendor knows and loves me!!!!:-)

Mark Bennett

On 08/11/2011 11:50 AM, Pete Peters wrote:
> Forwardingb&b&b&
> Greg has a guy who wants to sell his roadster. The car is on Vancouver Island
> (British Columbia, Canada).
> Contact Greg if you're interested.
> I do not know Greg nor the car.
> - Pete
> ----- Forwarded Message -----
> From: Greg Macaulay<gmac at shaw.ca>
> Date: November 7, 2011 7:05:21 PM PST
> To:
> Subject: 1970 1600 Roadster .... super deal !
> Hi
> A fellow stopped by the garage this morning and wanted me to buy his roadster.
> He had bought it just outside LA, just after 9/11. It has been in dry storage
> ever since. He has acquired all sorts of bits and pieces for it. Newly rebuilt
> carbs, complete interior and hydraulics etc. There is well over 8 grand of new
> parts plus two soft tops and a hardtop.  The head has been recently been
> rebuilt.
> He is between a rock and a hard place so to speak. Hebs having to move, he
> will have nowhere to store it nor time to work on it.  So he wants it to go to
> someone on the island (preferably) that will take care of it. He said that the
> only rust on it is two 50 cent sized areas on the lower front fenders. It is
> basically a very sun baked Calli car that the interior and rubber seals and
> weather stripping etc have deteriorated. He has all new pieces included with
> the car. The frame / undercarriage is pristine c/w the b
 factory yellow
> inspection paint markingsb
. There is everything that one needs to have a
> great little car. There is just too much to list.
> He would like to get 4 grand for everything. It has to go within weeks. I told
> him that I would contact people here on the island / lower mainland and the
> Oregon crowd. So if you know someone that is really looking for a great
> project please have them contact me ASAP. If it doesnbt sell Ibll probably
> buy it and over the winter sell off a truckload of all the new parts.  I
> really donbt want to get more stuff to have to sell off at this time. With
> the pending sale of my Wagon I will have a wack of 510 stuff to sell in the
> next couple of weeks. At this point in my life the objective was to cut down
> to two cars and get rid of all my spares, posters and models, etc.
> So.  if you can think of anyone that would be interested pls have them contact
> me asap and webll get the deal going. Youbll be saving this Datsunolicbs
> life........ as the wife would just about kill me if I brought another project
> home she wants to park her SUV in the garage.... imagine?
> Cheers
> Greg
> 250-658-8900
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